1 Snake, 2 Weasels 

    The first week of school has come and gone…..long gone actually, and we’re all still alive!

    The kids are officially in the following grades: Ephrem 5th, Jada 3rd, Hosanna 1st, and Jubilee K.  But as we are homeschooling, their actual grades are a bit more nebulous. 

    Hosanna and Jubilee are also attending our village preschool this year 3 mornings a week.  We are hoping that they will learn more of the local language and that it will help us build more relationship with our neighbors. 
    During our very first day, we got to do some nature observations right from our desks. See if you can spot the weasels!

    It was extremely distracting to have these little guys racing eachother and exploring in our front yard the very first day and hour we began our studies. But when homeschooling, I’ve found it’s better to lean into these sorts of distractions. Afterall, whats the point of homeschooling if you cant take a little bit of time to learn about things that fall in your lap….or this case, yard. 

    The other animal we found that morning was this bad boy. 

    I found it dead and half smashed into the road earlier that same morning. Any guesses as to what kind of snake this is?