Hosanna is 7!

    This Christmas Eve, along with all the past 6 eve’s and all the future ones, we celebrated  Hosanna’s birthday! It was a bit of a bummer as we were all quite sick. But, she got to open her presents and seemed to be okay with doing a meal and cupcakes later.  
    She has been practicing on her favorite gift…..(NOT over those wires, though)

    …and these bad boys got devoured today. 

    And as per an infrequent tradition; an interview.

    1.  What is your favorite color?


    2. What is your favorite thing to wear?


    3. What is your favorite book?

    Piggie and Gerald

    4. What is your favorite movie?

    How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carry)

    5. What is your favorite breakfast?

    chocolate cereal

    6. What do you want to be when you grow up?


    7. Who are your best friends?


    8. If you had $1,000 (6,500¥) what would you do with it?

    buy a house

    9. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?

    I would change people. 

    10. What is your best memory?

    Going swimming at that swim park in Dali (this last summer).