Into the summer!
We have been back in Asia and boy does it feel good! We were first in the midst of preparing the guesthouse for the summer and a lot of repairs and cleaning, organizing and meal planning were underway.
Now we are settled into a nice nest of school and work that seems to be working for our family.
A curious thing: a bird as been at our window, daily, since we’ve been back. Every morning, it tries to fly into the window, into that reflected world beyond. It’s kind of sad how he keeps trying because we know, on the otherside, there is just a house filled with people that would freak out if it were to actually break through. The encouraging thing is that it just keeps trying anyway. Here’s to striving to reach the world that is but a pale reflection of The One’s intention.
Sometimes the bird is going after the “intruder” bird that it sees in the window- it sees its own reflection, and “thinks” it is another bird invading its territory. So its life is upset by an imaginary foe. We had a Robin like that a few years ago.. If we could become a bird, we might be able tell it the Truth, and free it from its delusion. Except, it would probably attack us for being in its territory. Theology of lessons from birds.