New Car

    I THINK this is going to work!  After many months of computer, internet, and phone issues, I think we’ve worked and executed a plan to get these blog posts actually posted.  It will take time to catch up but, late is better than never!  Here goes nothing! 

    We got a new (second hand) car this last October.  It is great to have two cars since we live far out of town and our business requires Nathan to be gone a bit during the busy season.  Now, I have a way to get to and from town when he is gone.  

    We (our family and employee) flew to up North and drove the car back down on home.  It took about 5 days to do and boy did we drive through some amazing country and mountains.  We drove all through Tibetan areas and it was great to see how the mountains and the people there were different and a like to what we know here.   Here are some photos of that incredible journey.

    Note:  We found a hot spring on the road so we stopped for a dip.  The adults were completely happy to just put feet in since the air was so cold but water so hot.  The kids went all in.  They were cooking hard boiled eggs, by the way, in the pool we put our feet in.  I’ll just….leave it at that.  

    One thought on “New Car

    1. Nice to hear from you again, Patrice et al. We wonder how work goes, with the coronavirus’ effects.

      We went to Chang bai shan (the volcanic lake on the border with NK, and they were boiling eggs as well. Selling them at a steep price.

      You are blessed to be where you have hope, and can show that to those who have no hope!

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