First Day Out!

    When we found out that the road were open again, we got out of here like some sort of caged, wild animal! We went climbing in a town 3 hours away. It was such a beautiful day! We got to some new crags! We got a dirt cheap, please-stay-here, room at a guesthouse. It was win-win-WIN.

    The old town here was EMPTY! It felt like exactly how it should feel! We could walk around and not be pointed at or stopped. No one wanted to take pictures of us or touch our hair. There were no crowds and everything was just peaceful and beautiful.

    We even went to a wax museum, which we would NEVER do because it is normally a pricey thing to do. The ticket prices were 80% off. It was super fun and we were so glad to have left the village and gotten out!

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