
    We finally made it to Shanghai last fall and coupled it with a passport renewal. We like to do two-fers around here! Plus, the kids were old enough to actually remember the trip so it all felt worth it! We were ALSO able to meet up with close family friends and a previous guest at our BnB invited us to stay with him for a few days so, maybe this was a four-fer? The food was everything we imagined. The kids got to ride their first roller-coasters. The history was fascinating (we read The Last Boat Out of Shanghai and/or The Last Kings of Shanghai for prep: homeschool five-fer?). And now I feel like we don’t have to go back. Done and done!

    2 thoughts on “Shanghai

    1. I love these updates! I have never been to Shanghai, but if I had known they had such great olives I might have put more effort into it.

      1. More updates coming. Finally just unloaded all my summer pictures and have posts ready until December! Yay.
        Shanghai: it was insane. The western food was amazing…all imported, of course, so maybe when you would have had the time to visit, it would have been different. Anyway, you’re in the motherland now so, don’t feel regretful. You can get olives just as good or better and cheaper at Trader Joe’s!

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