
    Palm Sunday and the following week held some wonderous events over here on the homestead. I ended up making a short video to send a friend telling her all about it so I decided to share that video here. It was a long, raw take and doesn’t look pretty (maybe just listen to it?) and I’m sure I could be a better story teller! But the gems are all in there. I also wanted to put here the song I wrote in response to our story and in reflection of Easter’s arrival. I hope you enjoy them both.

    The Letter: A story of empathy and how sometimes we don’t have to wait for the answer; it CAN come quickly.
    Your Love: New Easter Song

    3 thoughts on “Easter

    1. Ugly tears here too. And tears of joy. Isn’t it interesting that the very thing a mother longs to do, hug her child, is what Father does. And the very thing that a child needs, to feel that safe hug, is what He does. I gobbled up this story as I have been so hungry to hear of her and her kids. I think and remember them every day. Loved your song too.

    2. Wow! wow! That is such a beautiful story about bread, encouragement and how a papa cares and answers. Loving the song too.;-) Martha (in case you didn’t know)

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