
    Well, this year, I’ll be 41 but last year was pretty epic. We had to run around town, doing paperwork and visa things but I didn’t let that stop me! It truly was a blast and people were great sports! It was hilarious seeing government officials hold up the juicy lips for a photo (of which I will NOT be posting; just imagine it). Nathan got me this beautiful instrument as a gift and it sure does get a lot of use! I wonder what we’ll do this year???

    Lunch at my favorite restaurant in town.

    4 thoughts on “40!

    1. That’s a great way to make your family all smiles. I like that. Happy birthday and blessings from the Lakeview family.

      1. Thank you so so much! More updates on the way! I’ve just gotten everything up from the summer! Winter months mean more time to keep these things going! Blessings!

    2. I feel like I already wrote something here, if so, forgive the repetition… but I love the wet lips! so fun! Happy 41st birthday Patrice. And 40th and 39th and…

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