From Here

Almost two years ago now, some strange goings on started happening around here. My brother emailed! This may not seem strange to anyone with normal communication skills but for me, it was. For years prior to this email, my brother had sort of dropped off the face of the earth, so to speak, and it appeared that was were he was happy to stay. After lots of ignored emails or very brief responses and flat-out refusals to answer very basic questions, we all just assumed this was our new normal. Then, almost out of nowhere, he emailed. And he didn’t stop with one email. The emails and phone calls kept coming! We were all quite surprised! After all, he was like a unicorn to our kids because they had HEARD of him but wasn’t quite sure he existed as they had only seen pictures of him! Unicorn Uncle was alive and establishing contact! I wrote this song very shortly after the first few emails and the idea of having a brother again was settling in. However sad, it is a part of our family history now but the joy comes in knowing that there is a future. Vincent, this ones for you.