Red Hill

    Many of you may or may not know this but, we run a BnB. It’s a ton of work because we don’t just host BnB guests. We also serve their meals, plan their trips, take care of them when they are sick, and generally love them! We also get to host special events! One that is coming up is our (what I hope to be) annual Women’s Retreat! Please pray with us for the event and these ladies! Below are some pictures from around the house and village and of the retreat!


      We finally made it to Shanghai last fall and coupled it with a passport renewal. We like to do two-fers around here! Plus, the kids were old enough to actually remember the trip so it all felt worth it! We were ALSO able to meet up with close family friends and a previous guest at our BnB invited us to stay with him for a few days so, maybe this was a four-fer? The food was everything we imagined. The kids got to ride their first roller-coasters. The history was fascinating (we read The Last Boat Out of Shanghai and/or The Last Kings of Shanghai for prep: homeschool five-fer?). And now I feel like we don’t have to go back. Done and done!

        How to Relax

        This spring, just as the snow was beginning to melt, we went to my favorite place around town. A lake! Well, actually it looks like a wide, open, marsh field at the top of spring but it’s still quite beautiful. One of the things I love most about it is that there are many bird varieties that winter there. And oh, the birds! Ducks, eagles, hawks, cranes, sparrows, bar-headed geese; it’s seriously a site to behold. If you’re a birder, come visit us next winter (if we aren’t back stateside, that is)!!! Hosanna’s first thought that morning we told them of the day’s plans were to bring her birthday kite. So that brings me back to my second favorite part: the wind!!! It can get so fierce; it almost feels like you’re flying all without leaving the ground. Score! These photos don’t do it justice. It never does.


          It has been a while since I’ve seen more happy kids! One kid spies some rope hanging in a shop while we are out looking at pavers and chicken wire. Well, at $1.50 for 10 meters, I was happy to oblige. Next thing I knew, three more are like, “Oh, yeah! Me too!? I need rope!”. Well, okay then, Mr. Shopkeeper, we’d like 4 of these ropes. Then, as the ropes are handed out, they have the nerve to incredulously ask each other, “Why do YOU need rope!?” Two say “for whatever comes up” and two say “for my fort”. To each his/her own then! Happy roping!

            What’s Your Love Story?

            This spring, a production crew from Beijing came to film part of their reality TV show here at Red Hill (our BnB and climbing gym). We went through quite the vetting before they decided to film here. Fortunately, lots of places were still closed and there aren’t many foreigners here so, they didn’t have to look long for something interesting! One of the questions they asked us is, “How did you two meet?”. Well, it wasn’t such a surprising question once we found out that they were filming a reality TV show whose contestants were burned by love. The point of the show was to give the participants a chance to tour the beautiful Yunnan and see that life does indeed hold hope and wonder. They spent a few weeks touring Yunnan and spent a few days in our town. We were happy to host 4 of the 6 contestants for a day of climbing at our gym. We spent two days preparing for 5-6 hours of filming and then, they were off. They came in like a dysfunctional hurricane: busy and quick but they left the gym and yard in a better state than they found it!

            Anyway, talking about such a huge topic in your mother tongue is tricky enough! They asked all the normal questions (How long have you been here? How long have you been married? Do you have kids?) but per the director’s instructions, it was up to us to ask them the harder questions and steer the conversation towards love. How do you ask a complete stranger why they decided to do the show and how they’ve been scorned by love? Better yet, how do you share (in front of cameras!) information and opinions in a country that routinely reminds us not to? I know! Sing a song about it! I was able to sing and play two songs with them; one I wrote and then, a cover song. Surprisingly, sharing these songs first made it easier for me to talk about their meanings and communicate (indirectly) what our thoughts are on love. The first song was the one I wrote entitled “Leave a Light” (see link below) which is about old love (not the new they were seeking) and the promises and reminder of what a real, steady love is. The second song (“You Say” by Lauren Deigle; see video below) is a popular song and I’m sure you already have heard it and know what it’s about. But sharing this song helped me to explain that love doesn’t really come from something we have or can really give in and of ourselves. True love is a gift given by The Giver; Love incarnate and divine. When you hear this song, please remember this show and the people on it that we were able to host.

            Leave a Light | Patrice Richmond (

            This video was part of what I shared during our first women’s retreat so someone grabbed some short videos from their cellphones. This song now serves as a double reminder for me of that amazing weekend AND the 4 people we were able to have in our “living room”.

            We were not able to take many photos (logistically and legally) but below are the other 2 I was able to take. Quite boring, really, but I enjoy them and they serve as another reminder for me that something big and true can come out of all the hard work and tears.

              Sanya: The “Hawaii” of Asia

              This year, just before the Chinese New Year, we were able to finally take a break and get out of town. Unable to leave the country and finding cheap airfare and good Air BnB lodging, we decided to get to a popular, in-country beach town. It’s so popular, we ran into some local friends there! As Sanya is labeled as the “Hawaii of Asia”, we were pretty excited to go. It’s also one of very few places one can surf so it gives off an early 70s, California-type vibe…except in Asia. Surfing is a relatively new thing here so it was interesting seeing a place in its early stages. It wasn’t too crowded (our visit took place during the shoulder season), the water and air were much MUCH warmer than home, and we were all able to do things we enjoyed. When asked if I would go again, I’m kind of torn. There were definitely plusses and minuses. We loved the beach and sun and being able to communicate in the local language but since we were still in-country, we missed food diversity and flavors and also, meeting up with other expats. I wouldn’t dare complain about another opportunity to go, though! It was precious to get our kids out together to play in some sand and waves.


                Well, this year, I’ll be 41 but last year was pretty epic. We had to run around town, doing paperwork and visa things but I didn’t let that stop me! It truly was a blast and people were great sports! It was hilarious seeing government officials hold up the juicy lips for a photo (of which I will NOT be posting; just imagine it). Nathan got me this beautiful instrument as a gift and it sure does get a lot of use! I wonder what we’ll do this year???

                Lunch at my favorite restaurant in town.

                  Women’s Retreat

                  This last fall, we were able to host our first Women’s Retreat. I know many friends and family were able to support some of the women that were able to attend and also contribute to the wonderful gifts above. My good friend was able to bring the words and I was able to lead in music. Last year’s theme was on Encouragement and what it really means in light and truth. It was such a beautiful time of encouragement, singing, and lifting. So many new friendships were formed, we learned so much about each other and Life, and we were able to be stretched in new ways as we hiked, climbed, and relaxed together. I’m hoping this year, we will be able to host another retreat to reach out to new and old friends.

                    Jada Turns 13

                    Jada turned 13 in September last year. This year, she will be 14! Oh, wow. We are so blessed to know this tender, creative, beautiful girl. Last year she wanted to do a dress up/costume party. She went as Hillary from Fresh Prince, I went as Rhonda from The Mysterious Benedict Society, I got a bunch of wigs, and the rest of us called it a day! It was loads of fun, complete with games and cake, and it was like we had TWO Halloweens. Best of lots of worlds!


                      Palm Sunday and the following week held some wonderous events over here on the homestead. I ended up making a short video to send a friend telling her all about it so I decided to share that video here. It was a long, raw take and doesn’t look pretty (maybe just listen to it?) and I’m sure I could be a better story teller! But the gems are all in there. I also wanted to put here the song I wrote in response to our story and in reflection of Easter’s arrival. I hope you enjoy them both.

                      The Letter: A story of empathy and how sometimes we don’t have to wait for the answer; it CAN come quickly.
                      Your Love: New Easter Song